Vue jsPanel

A vue wrapper for jsPanel library


Directly in the browser

Drop the library in with a <script> tag alongside Vue to globally install all components:

<div id="app"><js-panel></js-panel></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  new Vue({ el: '#app' })

In a module system (without Vue CLI)

Install the library with NPM:

npm install vue-js-panel

Then register the library as a plugin to globally install all components:

import VueJsPanel from 'vue-js-panel'
import 'jspanel4/dist/jspanel.min.css'


Or, import components individually for local registration:

import { JsPanel } from 'vue-js-panel'
import 'jspanel4/dist/jspanel.min.css'

export default {
  components: { JsPanel }

In a module system (with Vue CLI)

If using Vue CLI 3 with Babel or TypeScript, it's recommended that you import the library from its src directory. This will minimize the size of your application by preventing duplicate or unnecessary polyfills.

Install the library with NPM:

npm install vue-js-panel

Then register the library as a plugin to globally install all components:

import VueJsPanel from 'vue-js-panel/src'
import 'jspanel4/dist/jspanel.min.css'


Or, import components individually for local registration:

import { JsPanel } from 'vue-js-panel/src'
import 'jspanel4/dist/jspanel.min.css'

export default {
  components: { JsPanel }



JsPanel is the main component that allows you to create a new panel. You simply give it an options object and a visible prop.


With default content

The default slot is used to render the content of the panel.

<JsPanel :visible="show" :options="options" @close="show = false">
  <div>My awesome content</div>
data() {
    return {
      show: true,
      options: {
        animateIn: 'animated zoomIn faster',
        animateOut: 'animated zoomOut faster',
        headerTitle: 'Aesome Panel',
With headerToolbar slot

You can pass a slot that will be used as headerToolbar content.

<JsPanel :visible="show" :options="options" @close="show = false">
  <div>My awesome content</div>
  <div slot="headerToolbar" class="custom-header-toolbar">
    <span>File</span> <span>Edit</span> <span>About</span>


Name Type Required Default Comments
visible Boolean No false Determine if panel shold be rendered
options Object No {} Options for panel creation. Available options


  • close: Emitted when panel is closed
  • update:visible: Emitted when panel is closed. Set to false parent visible binding